Tappas Originating under the Khudai Khidmatgar Movement

  • Akhtar Iqbal Yousafzai Peshawar University
Keywords: Key Words: Tappa, Khudaee Khidmathgar Movement, Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan, Resistance, Nationalism, Freedom Struggle, and Pashtun uprisings, Pashtun History


Pashtu Tappa one of the most popular folklore of Pashtu literature that reflects aspirations of the people, has played a key role in the resistance movements throughout the history. Tappa included to verses the first one short and the second longer; encapsulate a huge message which is quoted often as a source of wisdom by most of the Pashtuns contextually. There are numerous instances in history that tappas has acted as catalyst of uprising and symbolism while appeals for resisting foreign rule have been made. The resistance movements against the Mughals, the Sikh rule and the British Empire have remained one of the themes that make tappa a popular Pashtun folklore. In this paper the movement of khydaikhidmatgar as depicted by the tappa is highlighted. It is argued that tappa not only celebrated the heroism of the followers of Khudaekhidmathgar movement and the leadership of Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan but also spread the awareness about the freedom and resisting foreign rule.



1. داؤد، داورخان، پروفېسر، پښتوټپه (تحقيق، تخليقي مقاله) منظور عام پريس پېښور، 1979ء مخ، 17.
2. رضا، پروفېسر، افضل، پښتو عوامي ادب، پښتو مجله، اكتوبر 1986ء مخ، 16.
3. مياشتنۍ، ليكوال، پېښور، قلندر مومند، پښتو اولسي سندرې، 1995ء مخ19 .
4. هم دغه اثر، مخ 20.
5. همېش، خليل، د پښتو ژبې ادبي ورته (مقاله) په سرحدي صوبه وړومبۍ لساني او ثقافتي كانفرس (پښتو اكېډيمي، پېښور يونيورسټي، 1986ء مخ 184.
6. بخاري، فارغ، ليشو لوك گيت (اردو) انشاء پريس لاهور، مخ 118.
7. مياشتنۍ، پښتون (هفته وار) 11 ستمبر 1940ء جلد 6 مخ 9.
8. مياشتنۍ، پښتون، جون ، جولائى 1931ء مخ 53.
9. مياشتنۍ، پښتون مجله، كرامت شاه فولاد، 21 نومبر 1939ء مخ، 40.
10. مياشتنۍ، پښتون مجله، (مصرعې) فضل رحيم ساقي، جولائى 1939ء مخ 38-37.
11. مياشتنۍ، پښتون مجله، سيدبشرٰى بېګم، 11 دسمبر 1939ء مخ 40.
12. هم دغه اثر، نورسم خان صاحب، 21 جولائى 1939ء مخ 18.
13. ساقي، فضل رحيم، خدائي خدمتګار، امن پرنټنګ پريس پېښور، مخ 67-66.
14. مياشتنۍ، پښتون مجله، 21 جولائى 1939ء مخ، 18.
15. داؤد، داورخان، پروفېسر، پښتو ټپه، مخ، 92.
16. مياشتنۍ ، پښتون، 11 ستمبر 1940ء، جلد 6 نمبر1، مخ 33.
17. بخاري فارغ، پښتو ٹوں گيت اردو، ص 119.
18. همدغه اثر، مخ 199.
19. داؤد، داورخان، پروفېسر، پښتو ټپه، مخ 90.
20. همدغه اثر، مخ 94.
21. همدغه اثر، مخ 99.
22. همدغه اثر، مخ 100.
23. همدغه اثر، مخ، 103.
24. همدغه اثر، مخ، 103
1. Dawood, Dawar Khan, prof. Pakhto Tappa, Manzoor Aam press Peshawar, 1979, p17.
2. Raza, Prof, Afzal, Pakhto Awami adab, Pakhto Majalla, October, 1986, P.16
3. Myastinai, Lekwal, Peshawar, Qlandar momand, Pakhto Olasi Sandri, 1997, p.l16
4. Ibid, P.20
5. Hamish, Khalil, Da Pakhto jabi adabi wersa (Maqala) pa sarhadi Soba warombia lesani, Aw Saqafti Conference, Pakhto academy Peshawar University, 1986, p. 184
6. Bukhari, Faregh, Pashto Lkgiet, (Urdu) Insha Press Lahore p118
7. Pakhtoon, (Haftawar) 11, September, 1940, v. 6 p9
8. Ibid, July 1931, p53
9. Pakhtoon, Maishtinai, Kriramat Shah folad November, 1939, p 40
10. Pakhtoon, Maishtinai, (Mesri) Fazal Rahim saqi, July, 1939, p 37-38
11. Pakhtoon, Maishtinai, Syeda Bushra Begum, 11 December, 1939, p 40
12. Ibid, 21 July 1939, p18
13. Saqi Fazal Rahim, Khudai Khedmatgar, Aman press Peshawar, p. 66-67
14. Pakhtoon, Maishtinai, 21 Majlla, 1939, p. 18
15. Dawood, Dawar, Khan, Prof. Pakhto Tappa, . 92
16. Pakhtoon, Maishtinai, 11 September, 1940 v. 6, p 33
17. Bukhari, Faregh, Pakhto Lokgeiet, Urdu p. 119
18. Ibid, P. 199
19. Dawood, Dawar, Khan, Prof. Pakhto Tappa, p. 90
20. Ibid, p. 94
21. Ibid, p. 99
22. Ibid, p. 100
23. Ibid, p.103
24. Ibid, p. 103
How to Cite
Yousafzai, A. (2022). Tappas Originating under the Khudai Khidmatgar Movement. Pashto, 51(664). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/340