Concept of Good and Evil in Ghani Khan’s Poetry

  • Faisal Rehman (Faisal Faran) PhD Scholar , Pashto Academy Peshawar University
Keywords: Keywords: Good, Evil, Good and Evil, Philosophy, Religion, Ethics, Dualism, meta-ethics, normative ethics, applied ethics, Ghani Khan, Khan Abdul Ghani Khan, Poetry, Pashto Poetry


‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ have remained a dichotomy in philosophy, religion, psychology and ethics for centuries. Both the terms are perceived as dualistic antagonistic opposites to each other and the human race has devoted centuries of their intellectual labor to evaluate both the terms. The modern philosophical questions in connection of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are studies under three major areas; meta-ethics dealing with the nature of good and evil, normative ethics dealing with how we ought to behave, and applied ethics concerned with particular moral issues. Good and Evil has remained a principal theme in the poetry of Ghani Khan. He has introduced new terms and has coined new meanings to discuss the ‘good’ and the ‘evil’ using his poetic imaginations, contastivistic power and narration. This research article is an attempt to elaborate the concept of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ in the poetry of Khan Abdul Ghani Khan.


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How to Cite
Rehman (Faisal Faran), F. (2023). Concept of Good and Evil in Ghani Khan’s Poetry. Pashto, 51(664). Retrieved from