Critical Analysis of Romantic Movement & Pashto Literature

  • Sharif Khan Lecturer at Dept. of Pashto, UoB Quetta
Keywords: Romanticism, Lyrical Ballads, Classicism, Wordsworth, Coleridge


In this article, the researchers have critically evaluated multiple prospects that had spurred Romantic Movement in the late Eighteenth Century. Why William Wordsworth (1770–1850) and Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834) had disagreed with the ideas and conceptions of the writers and critics of Neo-classic movement and Enlightenment Era. The principle of Poetic Diction and evaluating each and every matter of the nature through logic and reason were the primary points that impelled the English writers to experiment new genre with the help of mixing lyrical and ballads into one. The Wordsworth and Coleridge (the pioneers of Romantic Movement in England) distanced themselves from the traditional conceptions and instilled subject matters of poetry. The first edition of Lyrical Ballads was published in 1798 with 23 poems, amongst which four were contributed by Coleridge. Whatever criticism the traditional schools of thoughts chronicled against the new experiment, had compelled Wordsworth to republish the book with his famous Preface in 1800, and then in 1802 and finally 1805. Wordsworth presented a Theory of Poetry which contained principles regarding poetry. Besides this, various prospects: like Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, the Age of Enlightenment, The Age of Revolutions and so, have been critically analysed which has enriched the contents of Romantic Movement. While it has also been critically evaluated that whether Pashto has ever witnessed the said literary movement with all its primary characteristics or vice versa.  


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How to Cite
Khan, S. (2023). Critical Analysis of Romantic Movement & Pashto Literature. Pashto, 52(666). Retrieved from