Major Younas Khalil the Prince Romanticism

  • Nageena Khanam Nageen Department of Pashto, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Keywords: Younas Khalil, Pashto Poetry


Romanticism is a way of action, a realistic approach to life, reformation in the society and literature. When we study Pashto literature we feel proud to have a martial personality great poet and scholar like Khushal Khan Khattak who is no doubt the father of Pashto language but also the forerunner of romanticism in Pashto poetry. Those Pashto poets who have studied the poetry of Khushal have got the inspiration from him. In addition to this, whose poets who are/were well versed in English literature have also taken advantage romanticism through this way. Major Younas Khalil has taken advantage from both the sources i.e. from Khushal and English literature. The poetry of Younas Khalil contains all the qualities of a romantic poet. He really deserves to be called the prince of  romanticism.This research paper is a sufficient proof of my claim.

How to Cite
Nageen, N. (2019). Major Younas Khalil the Prince Romanticism. Pashto, 47(656). Retrieved from