Akhun Salak as Prose Writer of the Darweza School of Thought
Akhund Darweza
Akhun Salak is known in the Pukhtoon’s history as worrior and writer. He used sword for spreading of Islam and at the same time wrote many books for the moral and ethical reform of Pukhtoon nation. He was the follower of Akhun Darwezza’s school of thought and wrote Masaja Nasar/Article in his elegance. This article sheds light on his prose skills as well show affiliation with Akhun Darweza School of thoughts. Indeed, this will open new arenas of research for the students of Pushto Literature.
How to Cite
Hakeemzai, B.- ul, & Akber, S. (2019). Akhun Salak as Prose Writer of the Darweza School of Thought. Pashto, 47(656). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/103