The Life and Literary Services of Prof. Dr. Salma Shaheen

  • Farkhanda Liaqat Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Keywords: Autobiography


Prof. Dr. Salma Shaheen is a prominent Pashto intellectual, writer and poet. She has tremendous contributions in the field of Pashto Language and Literature. As Director Pashto Academy, her Administrative qualities cannot be ignored. Dr. Salma Sheen has authored books on the every aspect of Pashto Language and Literature. It will not be wrong to say that she has spare all her life for the services of Pashto Language and Literature. In this paper her life and services will be discussed at length.

How to Cite
Liaqat, F. (2019). The Life and Literary Services of Prof. Dr. Salma Shaheen. Pashto, 47(656). Retrieved from