The civilizational study of Ameer Hamza Khan Shinwari's Ghazal
Civilization has great impact on the lives of nations. It has also influenced the art and literature of different societies. Pashtun literature has also been influenced by Pashtun civilization and culture. Ghazal being the deep and great source of civilizational representation of Pashtun society, has deep, creative picture of Pashtun civilization, embodied in its form and content.
Ameer Hamza Khan Shinwari has been unanimously Considered as the Babaye Ghazal in Pashto literature. He has enriched Pashto Ghazal with different creative and civilizational diminutions. He has been considered as the bridge between the Pashto classics and moderns.
There can be no two views in the fact that the Ghazal of Ameer Hamza Khan Shinwari is the creative and detailed depiction of Pashtun civilization and Pashtun values. In this article, I have tried to present a detailed account of Pashtun civilization, embodied in the Ghazal of Ameer Hamza Khan Shinwari. I have explained and analyzed the concept and traits of Pashtun civilization, other social values and norms, presented in the Ghazal of Ameer Hamza Khan Shiwari. All these social values and norms have been critically discussed in the life of Ameer Hamza Khan Shinwari Ghazal.
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