Books Written Under Influence of Plato's Republic

A Critical Study

  • Sajjad Ahmad Jwandonn
  • Shakeel Ahmad Department of Pashto, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Keywords: Plato, Republic, Khushal Khan Khattak


All the research on the evolution of studies in the world today is basically linked with Greece. This is because ''500 BC to Christ'' was the era in which, in Greece, studies originated from Philosophy. Today, the discussion of Literature and Philosophy is not possible without the reference of Greece. Therefore, in this article I've tried to analytically discuss all the books written under the impact of Plato's Republic which have been written till seventeenth century. In this article, Khushal Khan Khattak's Dastaar Nama will also be discussed alongside those books because out of those books Dastaar Nama is unique as it has been written for the training of the leader of Pakhtuns and the man of turban ( Da dastaar saray ) has been shown as an ideal character.

How to Cite
Jwandonn, S., & Ahmad, S. (2020). Books Written Under Influence of Plato’s Republic. Pashto, 49(659). Retrieved from