Trend of Symbolism in Pashto Ghazal

  • Tufail Ahmad Zaryab Yousafzai Pashto Department, Islamia College, Peshawar, Pakistan
Keywords: Symbolism, Classical Poetry, Persian Literature, Modern Poetry


Pashto poetry has an ancient history. The Genre of Ghazal is the modern style of emotional and spiritual expression of Pashto poetry. Poetry is based on different technical and artistically charming style of art and expression. The poets of Pashto language follow the contemporary trends in their poetry especially in the Genre of Ghazal. In early stage the Pashto Ghazal was inspired by different thoughts and styles of art and expression in the Persian language poetry and Arabic poetry. But the main trend turning cause is Persian poetry. Most of the Pashtoon poets in classic were the experts of Persian language as well so they were inspired by the Persian poetry and its style. They also started using those terms and style. One of the most popular term and style which are being still following by many poets of Pashto is symbols. The words are symbol itself, real and concrete. That’s why poets use symbols for their expression of views in easy, precise and amazing way. Symbols make a simple thought meaningful and attractive. The trend of using symbol in poetry came from Persian in its traditional style and got fame with modern thoughts of Europe and France. This paper is going to discuss the journey of symbol towards Pashto its type and style ancient to modern, Persian to Pashto and then French or English to Pashto, classic to modern poetry of Pashto in selected few poets on the era.

How to Cite
YousafzaiT. (2021). Trend of Symbolism in Pashto Ghazal. Pashto, 49(660). Retrieved from