The Works of Larimer and Grierson on Waziri Accent of Pashto

  • Ayatullah Khan Pashto Academy, Peshawar university
  • Yousaf Jazab
Keywords: Waziri Dialect


The Wazir are a huge tribe. They are living in various parts of the country as well as abroad, but their motherland is North Waziristan, South Waziristan and Sub Wazir Bannu. They all are speaking Waziri dialect. Though, there is some minor difference in their local accent.  In this research paper, I have discussed the Waziri accent explain by the Western writer, such as J.G. Larimer and G.A Grierson. Both these writers have worked on Waziri dialect are hundred twenty years ago and still, their research is considered authentic and correct. I have briefly explained their work and hope it will be fruitful in the coming future.


How to Cite
KhanA., & JazabY. (2021). The Works of Larimer and Grierson on Waziri Accent of Pashto. Pashto, 49(660). Retrieved from