Pashto As a Language Of Marketing
An Analysis
Renaissance (14th-17th Centuries), and Industrial Revolution (1760-1820, and 1850) have everlasting impacts on human life. Revolutionizing all under the sun, they made human minds more pragmatic and materialistic. Commercialization and mass productivity gave birth to Consumerism (17th-18th) and market access that influenced urban and rural life alike. Resultantly, it caused the establishment of a fardifferent, but comparatively rich and commanding market language. The perpetual process of outshining the less developed by more hegemonic and industrialized contemporary societies was in place. Consequently, the more a nation was ahead in the race of inventions, technological advancement, and productivity, the more they enriched their language. Inevitably, monopoly at the market was and is still considered a monopoly of the language. To trace out such findings and progression of market languages, an attempt has been made for carrying out an analytical study, to unearth how and what strategies had been devised, for gaining supremacy and current status for the purpose. Besides comparison, taking it as a yardstick for Pashto as a market language, a short historical background, required initiatives in the current scenario, and for putting it on the track, some suggestions for improvement, equality, flourishment of Pashto as a market language are proposed in this article.
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