Adopted Words in Poetry of Ghani Khan

  • Faqir Muhammad Faqir Pashtunkhwa Study Center, Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, Pakistan
  • Ahmad Ali Aajiz Department of Pashto, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Keywords: Human Life, Ghani Khan, Social Development, Alien Words


In the course of continuous evaluation of human life, the speed of social development and change is accelerating. Every nation and country of the modern world is seeking for inter-dependence on each other in the sphere of progress, needs and ease. The mutual transportation of products. Natural resources, other material needs and objects compel nations to interact with each other. Consequently, these mutual inter-relationships and inter-actions unconsciously affect the vocabulary of languages of the respective nations and ethnicities. The terms and words of one language affects the other one and vice versa. Resultantly, languages assimilate different terms of words in their languages globally. With the passage of time, these borrowed and assimilated words become the integral part of the native language which albeit couldn't possible to imagine it as alien words. Speakers of that language then conceive it as their own and impossible for them to omit because of its permeation in the common population of speakers. Similarly, in the poetry of Ghani Khan, he used ample vocabulary of Arabic, Persian, Urdu and English, but here, the researcher is specifically limited to the English adopt words in his Pashto poetry.
How to Cite
Faqir, F., & Aajiz, A. (2020). Adopted Words in Poetry of Ghani Khan. Pashto, 48(658), 147-154. Retrieved from

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