Impact of 9/11 on Pashto Landai
The Pashtuns, as a larger and important part of the Afghan society has such a rich folkloric source that undoubtedly none of the region languages can compete it. The Pashto landays (couplets; a kind of folk songs) are a very valuable and interesting moral wealth and reflect our artistic-literary talent. It is such a mirror, which shows the centuries long feelings, hops, sentiments, desires, happiness, tragidies, griefs, loves, obhorrences and in brief social goodness, badness and behavior. It is transferred from one generation to another. The September eleven incident was such a ring of the exploitive conspiricies series that severly damaged our moral and material properties. During the last 16 years it is caused such a grief and sorrow that crushed each part of our people life and affected badly. In this writing we study some those effects of Pashto landays samples which are reflected in falkloric versified lilerature.
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