Comparative Study of English and Pashto Proverbs

  • Bushra Ikram Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Keywords: Proverbs, Parenilogy, Universal Truths


A proverb is a short sentence popular among a folk which contains some universal truth and wisdom. These proverbs are the nuggets of experiences, observations and wisdom of a folk. As all people live on the same planet, have similar environment and blessings of Almighty Allah. So they have similar experiences and observations which are expressed in proverbs but in different words. These words are according to a people's culture, geographical Conditions and their own Customs and traditions. In this paper the author has compared and Contrasted the proverbs of Pashto and English languages and concluded that both these nations have same experience and observations which are expressed in different words but have one concept on one hand and on the other hand their cultural differences are reflected from their proverbs.
How to Cite
Ikram, B. (2020). Comparative Study of English and Pashto Proverbs. Pashto, 48(658). Retrieved from

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