Qazi Abdul Haleem Asar Afghani as a Prose Writer
The soil of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has the potential and credibility to give birth to prominent Pashto intellectuals, writers and scholars who are rightly called the ever shining stars of Pashto Language and Literature. This journey has taken place from Bayazid Rokhan best known as Pir Rokhan when he wrote the first pashto book (Khair-ul-Bayan) in the sixteen century followed by Khushal Khan Khattak, Rehman Baba, Hameed Baba, Kazim Khan Sheda and many more. In the 20th century can rightly be called the century wherein a number of Pashto intellectuals, prose and phrase writers had given Pashto language and literature new horizons. One of them is Qazi Abdul Haleem Asar Afghani who was not only a good phrase writer, but at the same time was a good Critic Analysts and Prose writer. Beside this, he remained an active Politician, Calligrapher, Historian and an excellent Pashto literary personality. Qazi Abdul Haleem Asar Afghani was a real supporter of Pashtoons. His name and contributions in the field of Pashto Language, Literature and especially in Prose writing will always be remembered with honor and great respect. In this article, we chose only his contribution in the field of Prose writing, so that the students and researcher may also be familiar with the same.
Tair, Muhamamd Nawaz, Professor, Pukhtoo Nasar Sanga Raorasedo, Pukhtoo Nasar (Intikhab), Azeem Publishing House, Khyber Bazar, Pekhawar, 1985
Asar Afghani, Qazi Abdul Haleem, Pukhtoo Tarikh (Da Pukhtanoo Muwarikhano Tazkira) (Makhtoota), 1962
Rekhteen, Sadeeq Ullah, Da Pukhtoo Adab Tarikh, Dowaim Zal Chap
Habibi, Abdul Hai, Da Pukhtoo Adbiyatoo Tarikh, Dowaim Zal Chap
Yousaf Zai, Sahar, Adab Sa dee? Shoaib Sons Publications and Book Sealers Swat, Driam Zal Chap, 1996
Akbar, Abdul Akbar Khan, Adabi Pangha, Manzoor-e-Aam Press, Pekhawar, Draim Zal Chap, 1995
Asar, Abdul Haleem, Pukhtoo Adab, Idara-e-Darul Ishat Sarhad, Qisa Khwani Bazar, Pekhawar, 1950
Yar Muhammad, Maghmoom, Rokhanyan awo Pukhtoo Adab, Pukhtoo Academy, Pekhawar Pohintoon, 2011
Maryam, Bibi, Da Pukhtoo Da Nasar Tarikhi awo Tanqidi Jaiyza, Jadoon Presss Pekhawar, 1986
Asar Afghani, Abdul Haleem, Bhagg, Mashmoola “Ulas”, Kaliza Garna, Quetta, November/December, 1975
Asar Afghani, Abdul Haleem, Bulochi Naqoosh, Mashmoola “Ulas”, Quetta, February, 1966
Asar Afghani, Abdul Haleem, Bulochi Naqoosh, Mashmoola “Ulas”, Quetta, April, 1966
Asar Afghani, Qazi Abdul Haleem, Da Azadi Pa Tahrik Kee Da Pukhtanoo Barkha, Mashmoola “Pukhtoo”, Pukhtoo Academy, Pekhawar Pohintoon, July/August, 1997
Asar Afghani, Qazi Abdul Haleem, Da Azadi Pa Tahrik Kee Da Pukhtanoo Barkha, Mashmoola “Pukhtoo”, Pukhtoo Academy, Pekhawar Pohintoon, July/August, 1997
Asar Afghani, Abdul Haleem, Rehmatul Aalamin Peghambar (SAW), Mashmoola “Ulas”, Quetta, 1965
Khalil, Hanif, Doctor, Yawo Tasoor, Dur-e-Yateem (Qazi Abdul Haleem Asar Afghani Sakhsiyat, Ilmi awo Adabi Assar), Amir Print and Publishers, Peshawar, 2017
Asar Afghani, Abdul Haleem, Adab, Pukhtoo Nasar, Intikhab, Azeem Publishing House, Khyber Bazar, Pekhawar, 1985
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