Step by Step Certainty in Sufism
Lexicology, Sufism, Certainty, Wisdom, Ain-ul Yaqeen, Haq-ul Yaqeen, Elm-ul Yaqeen
Lexically certainty means without doubt, insight, knowledge, information, the knowledge having no doubt. And in Sufism, anything which is obvious, constant and void of doubt is called certainty. Certainty is of three types; Elmulyaqeen, Ainulyaqeen, Haqulyaqeen. According to Sufis knowing the almighty Allah through wisdom and narration is Elmulyaqeen. Observation of some characteristics of the manifestation of the Almighty Allah is Ainulyaqeen. And the manifestations of the existence of the Almighty Allah are Haqulyaqeen. Elmulyaqeen is the outward appearance of sharia, Ainulyaqeen is sincerity in it and haqulyaqeen is its observation. So, according to Sufis, these stages of certainty should be implemented in order to be able realize the existence of the Almighty Allah.
How to Cite
RahimiA. (2020). Step by Step Certainty in Sufism. Pashto, 48(658). Retrieved from