Phone Change Dynamics in Pashto

  • Faqir Muhammad Faqir Pashtunkhwa study center bacha khan university charsadda
Keywords: Phonetic Changes, Insertion, Deletion, Assimilation, Dissimilation


Languages is a collection of sounds and these sounds changes with the change of society. Language also change like other things time by time and this change usually take place slowly and un expected way. The process of phone, meaning and word change continuously going on in every language. There can be many reasons of phonetic changes. These are like change in point of articulation, manner of articulation, borrowing sound change, insertion, deletion, assimilation, dissimilation and metathesis. The hearing impairment, speech problem, accent differences and even with the efforts of linguist phonetic change is possible.

How to Cite
Faqir, F. (2021). Phone Change Dynamics in Pashto. Pashto, 50(662). Retrieved from