Poetic Varieties in the Poetry of Iqbal Naseem Khattak
Iqbal naseem khattak is known as best of the best scholar of Pashto literature and language who all his life played a prominent role in the field of research view and criticism. To add more to the aforementioned literary figure, if we have a bird’s eye of the works khattak. Moreover, his master class works are in the field of translation. However, his contribution in the areas of literary journalism and fiction literature satire and humors cannot be undermined. He is held in the esteem till date due his unforgettable works. Here we study his poetic beauties and explore this aspect of his work because other than writer, he was also a poet, whose poetry incorporates all those qualities that is a sign of good poet
2) Hum dagha asar makh 9.
3) Hum dagha asar makh 14’15
4) Shadan wazir, Dr,Dr Banaras khan,da iqbal naseem khatak kar o ziyar,Araf prenters ,Mahalla jangi,pekhawar,Mashmula maqala,prof, Fazal meer khatak,April 2017 makh 246.
5) Hum dagha asar makh 247
6) Da raz khabarai pa kaghaz makh 79.
7) Hum dagha asar 78.
8) Hum dagha asar makh 93.
9) Hum dagha asar makh 148
10) Hum dagha asar makh 148.
11) Kulyat khushal khan
khatak,Muqadima,Dr yar Muhammad maghmum khatak university
book Agency pekhawar, makh 291.
12) Da raz khabarai pa kaghaz makh 1,2.
13) Hum dagha asar makh 45.
14) Al quran,Alteen,Ayat 4.
15) Shadan,wazir,Dr da raz khabarai pa kaghaz makh 255.
16) Kulyat khushal khan khatak makh 421
17) Da raz khabarai pa kaghaz makh 129.
18) Hum dagha asar makh 53.
19) Hum dagha asar makh 129.
20) Hum dagha asar makh 170.
21) Hum dagha asar makh 45
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