Pioneer of Symbolism in Pashto Novel

  • Inam Ullah Auhtor
Keywords: Ghalib


The standard of symbols in Pashto fiction especially in novel is ever remained a question. Dr Sher Zaman taizi is rightly called to be the pioneer of symbolism in Pashto novel. All his novels i.e. GUL KHAN, AMAANT, RAHMAN KORONA, and GHUNDAI have the intentional use of symbols. It is important to point out the representative symbols in his novels. This article covers some important questions regarding symbols and the reasons behind acclaiming Dr. Sher Zaman Taizi as the pioneer of symbolic novelist. words: Symbolism, Pashto fiction, Pashto Novel

How to Cite
Ullah, I. (2022). Pioneer of Symbolism in Pashto Novel. Pashto, 51(663). Retrieved from