Role of literary societies of Bannu in the Promotion of Pashto Literature

  • Dr. Tariq Mahmood Danish GDC, SKBala, Bannu
  • Dr. Kiran Saneen Pakhtunkhwa Study Centre University of Charsada
Keywords: ادب, تاريځ


This research study examines the growth and emergence of literary societies (Adabi Tolana) in Bannu which have added great value to the Pashto Literature. The survey first highlights the contributions of Tahir Kulachvi in arranging The Bannu Literary Society (Adabi Tolana Bannu) which advanced with a Critical Society Bannu (Tanqidi Tolana Bannu).  In this way, small literary societies in Bannu started to develop in areas like Miryan, Mamash Khel, Mandan, Domel and Fatah Khel. The study, later, pinpoints the literary and critical approaches of other societies like The Surrani Literary Carvan (Surrani Adabi Carvan) and The Critical Society of Dawood Shah Bannu. Lastly, the researcher has described the innovative and conscientious approaches of The League of Progressive Authors Bannu.  


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How to Cite
Danish, D. T., & Saneen, D. (2022). Role of literary societies of Bannu in the Promotion of Pashto Literature. Pashto, 51(663). Retrieved from