The prerequisites of historical novel writing and the responsibilities of the novelist

  • Muhammad Ishaq Khawreen PhD Scholor
Keywords: Historical-fiction-prerequisties-historical novel-responsibilities-of-novelist-



The Historical Novel, owing to its deep relation and affinity with history, is having different position, value and importance among all kinds of novel, and hence it is considered the most difficult of all kinds of novel.  In this kind of novel, the past events of history are revitalized along with presenting the past life in its social dynamics. In other types of novel, a novelist does not face as much responsibilities as he has to face in a historical novel. Dealing with historical novel, a novelist at the same time, plays the role of a historian, researcher and as a novelist. Beyond being a novel, as the history is dealt in this sort of novel, the novelist has to perform the role of a re searcher, and required by history. Such types of novels demand research on the part of the novelist. Taking the responsibility of a historical novelist, the novelist pays great attention to the minute details and demands. If the demands are hold in view and the novelist fulfills his responsibilities, a perfect historical novel will come into being. Meeting the demands of a historical novel, study and observation of history, arranging materials and selecting topic and era are also included. Likewise, historical realities in their true form, formation of access to authentic resources, the picture of the social life of the age and many other aspects include in sketching a historical novel. In this research article, we try to present a clear image of the demands of writing a historical novel, and the responsibilities of the novelist of such types of novels.


Key words: historical-fiction-Prerequisites-historical   novel-Responsibilities-of Novelist. 



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2: Seddiqi,Azimushaan,Urdu Novel Aghaz wa Irtiqa,Educational Publishing House, Dehli,2008,P:49,50.
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5: Rasheed Ahmad Goreeja,Doctor, Urdu main Tareekhi Novel,Ablaagh, Lahore, 1994,P:64.
6: Abid,P:54.
7: Mumtaz Munglauri,Doctor,Sharar ki Tareekhi Novel, Maktabah Khyaban-e- adab, Lahore,1978,P:33,34.
8: Rasheed Ahmad Goreeja,Doctor, Urdu main Tareekhi Novel,Ablaagh, Lahore, 1994,P:55.
9: Hussaini Ali Abass, Urdu Novel ki Tareekh aur Tanqeed, Educational Book House, Ali garh,1987,P:53.
10: Sheppard, Alferd Tresidder, The Art and Practice of Historical Novel, H. Toulmin London: 1930, P:143-144.
11: Rasheed Ahmad Goreeja,Doctor, Urdu main Tareekhi Novel,Ablaagh, Lahore, 1994,P:65.
12: Mumtaz Munglauri,Doctor,Sharar ki Tareekhi Novel, Maktabah Khyaban-e- adab, Lahore,1978,P:35.
13: Rasheed Ahmad Goreeja,Doctor, Urdu main Tareekhi Novel,Ablaagh, Lahore, 1994,P:67.
14: Mumtaz Munglauri,Doctor,Sharar ki Tareekhi Novel, Maktabah Khyaban-e- adab, Lahore,1978,P:37.
15: Ali Ahmad Fatimi, Tareekhi Novel Fun aur Osool, Tahzeeb Now Publications, Check Allabad,1980,P:53,54.
16: Abid,P:63.
17: Mumtaz Munglauri,Doctor,Sharar ki Tareekhi Novel, Maktabah Khyaban-e- adab, Lahore,1978,P:36.
18: Abid,P:37.
How to Cite
Khawreen, M. (2022). The prerequisites of historical novel writing and the responsibilities of the novelist. Pashto, 51(663). Retrieved from