Relationship of language and Brain
Language is a medium of expression consisting of sounds, gestures, behavior, and symbols; these sounds, gestures, behaviors, and symbols are meaningful. It show that there is a connection between language and the brain that’s why neurolinguistics became an important field of linguistics. neurolinguistics try to solve these questions that what is the relationship between language and the brain ? where is the language related part in the brain? what part does what work and how these parts were discover by scientists?. What is the relation of the brain to the problems and different aphasia of language? what are language diseases? These and other such questions are solved in this article.
2 Ralph w. Fasold ,Jeff Connor Linton, An introduction to language and linguistics ,second edition , Cambridge university press,2014,page,250.
3 John Lyons, Language and Linguistics an introduction ,Cambridge university pres,2009, pages ,248,249.
4,dated 15/01/2021,PST ,10:50 AM.
5 Mehmood marhoon, Da jabpohani bansatona( jabpohaniza sirrana) p 32.
6 Dated,16/01/2021,PST 11:20 pm.
7 Dated,16/01/2021,PST 11:20 pm.
8. 16/01/2121,PST 3:30.
9 Dated,16/01/2021,PST 07:20 pm
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