A Critical Study of the Political thoughts of Pir Rokhan

  • Dr Shazia Naz Ph.D Doctor in Pashto
Keywords: adab pir rokhan, سياست، شعور او قام


There are many personalities in Pashto literature whose political services are appreciated in addition to their literary services.Among them are Amir Carore baba, Beit Nika, Khushal Khan khattak, Ashraf Khan Hijri, Afzal Khan Khattak, Ahmad Shah Abdali, Akhun Darwaza Baba and Bayazid Ansari Pir Roshan. Among these personalities Bayazid Ansari is the one who wrote the first complete Pashto book " khair- ul- Bayan " The Pashtuns were liberated, and his friends and followers also joined him in this movement,but he also had many opponents including Akhun Darwaza Baba,but Bayazid Ansari didn't care. Bayazid Ansari, despite his few friends and opponents,has largely succeeded in his political missions, which has led to the development of a literary movement among the Pashtuns as well as a political movement which is still mentioned.


1:Khattak, Raj wali shah, Da pukhto adabi tahrekon, pukhto academy university of Peshawar, 2004, p243
2: Darweza, Akhun, tazkart ul abrar wa alshrar, Pashto p148
3:afghan molvi Muhmad Husain, majala da itehad afghani, p54
4:Monserat, akbar ka hindostan, Translat Mubarak ali,Fiction Hous, p28
5: Akbar, abdul akbar Khan, Rokhanyan da Mughalo tarkyan,1995, p87
6: Habibi, Rafi Ullah, baya zid Ansari, pir rokhan, melat, educational, p19
7: Same Book
8: Hasrat Muhammad Zubair, Rakhanyan aw khushal, zarpanra 2004, p18
10: Gharwal, Muhammad Arif, pukhto adab po parmkhtaye baheer k, rokhani Ghurzan, p25
How to Cite
Naz, D. (2022). A Critical Study of the Political thoughts of Pir Rokhan. Pashto, 51(664). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/310