Women as a Focus of Dr. Salma Shaheen's Poetry

  • Uzma Gul Pashto
Keywords: Pashto karor, Jameel Noori, time romans


It is an undeniable fact that the world is not complete without the existence of women. According to poet Allama Iqbal

وجود زن سے ہے تصویر کائنات میں رنگ
اسی کے ساز سے ہے زندگی کا سوز دروں

The delicate genre has naturally been the subject and axis of every poet's poetry.  The beauty and beauty of women, and love are mentioned in the poem. But issues related to women have been mentioned in Pashto in addition to languages, including Dr. Salma Shaheen.The axis and focus of Salma Shaheen's poetry is woman. In her poetry, she has mentioned the life, psychology and related problems of woman. She considered the problems of not only Pashtun woman but also the woman of every region of the world as her own. And she shed light on it in free verses in the form of poetry. She has created such master piece free verse poems which deal with women's issues such as woman, Eighth March, Blah, Balochi Law, Hunger, Benazir, Hitting the same doubt, My little maid, etc., Salma. Shaheen as, a female writer, considers it her first duty to raise her voice against the cruelty and brutality of women. She believes that unless women work side by side with men in our society, we cannot progress on the path of developments.

How to Cite
Gul, U. (2022). Women as a Focus of Dr. Salma Shaheen’s Poetry. Pashto, 51(664). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/323