Impacts of Progressivism on the Poetry of Saif-ur Rehman Saleem

  • Mohammad Farooq Anjum Assistant Professor, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad
Keywords: Progressive Movements, Saif-ur Rehman Saleem


Progressive movement has extensively influenced oriental languages including Pashto. This movement emerged in 20th century in Europe, against romantic and ideological thoughts. It has emphasized for reformation in social elements and aroused epical feelings of the writers. Thus political, social problems, patriotisms, love with freedom, class struggle and humanism became core themes of progressivism. Consequently, Pashto literature especially Pashto poetry, welcomed this movement. Most of the writers and poets took part in progressive activities. Similarly, Pashto Poetry has also been enriched in producing progressive writings. Saif-ur-Rehman Saleem is one of the prominent literary figures of Pashto literature. Like other poets of his age he is also profoundly influenced by progressive movement. The authors of this research paper have strived to unpack progressive notions of Saif-ur Rehman Saleem reflected in his poetry.


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How to Cite
Anjum, M. (2023). Impacts of Progressivism on the Poetry of Saif-ur Rehman Saleem. Pashto, 52(665). Retrieved from