Spark of Romanticism in the Poetry of Mirza Khan Ansari

  • Nasrullah Khan Majnoon
Keywords: Romanticism, Mirza Khan Ansari


The early Pashto literature is trace back to the Roshani school of thought. The main subject of the poetry of the said school of thought was the promotion and propagation of the teachings of Bayazed Ansari, Pir Rokhaan. Almost everyone has the opinion that those teachings are of the Sufism. The Sufism is something else and the Roshani teachings are the new self-made way which was followed by the people who were not supposed to be the follwers of the real Sufism. The said school of thought has many Pashto poets who put the foundational stone of the Pashto literature specially poetry. One of them is the Mirza Khan Ansari who belonged to this school of thought and also follow the other writers of the said School of thought and wrote poetry about and on the ideology and teachings of the Pir Rokhan. On the other hand when we study the poetry oof Mirza Khan Ansaari we may find the fragrance of romanticism as well. This aspect of poetry makes him distinguished from others who are from the same school of thoughts. This paper is going to discuss the romanticism in the poetry of Mirza Khan Ansaari with his short life background and also explore the subject of Romanticism shortly.

How to Cite
Majnoon, N. (2024). Spark of Romanticism in the Poetry of Mirza Khan Ansari. Pashto, 52(665). Retrieved from