Cultural Identity in Pashto Proverbs

  • Hamid Khan University of Peshawar
Keywords: Proverbs, Cultural Identity, Culture, Social Values


This paper attempts to investigate cultural identity in Pashto proverbs and will search out proverbs as a cultural marker of identity. This qualitative study focuses on ethnolinguistic and textual analysis approaches. This research paper will explore cultural identity among Pakhtun in a thorough discussion of social values and norms expressed in Pashto proverbs. The research will explore the components of Pakhtun social setting and identity. Proverbs are a great source of traditional knowledge and folk wisdom; primarily created and used by common folk and language users. They are derived from the shared experiences of the folk used. Proverbs are linguistic products of societies in the shape of non-material culture handed down from generation to generation. Pashto proverbs reflect the social and cultural aspects of Pakhtunwali- a distinct social code of conduct and the unwritten social contract of their life. All the social values, norms, and many other things relevant to cultural identity are thoroughly narrated in the Pashto proverbs and the research study is vital for future scholarly research on the same subject for the coming generation in the wake of the identity crisis. 

How to Cite
Khan, H. (2023). Cultural Identity in Pashto Proverbs. Pashto, 52(665). Retrieved from