Nizami Ganjwi's Poetry as Presented in Tareekh-e-Murassa
Pashto and Persian literature have historical associations. The advent of Persian literature in the subcontinent dates back to 400 Hijri. Persian literature came to the Subcontinent when Mahmood Ghaznavi attacked the subcontinent. The Clergy, Sufis, and Poets that accompanied Mahmood Ghaznavi, spread Persian language, poetry and literature. Persian poetry and literature solidified its influence so much so that in later centuries Persian became the official language of the subcontinent. Persian literature has produced an array of eminent and legendary literary personality. Niazami Ganjvi is one of these distinguished literary personas. He was born in the 535 Hijri and died in 599Hijri at Ganja. Nizami, for his inclusive, individualistic and idiosyncratic poetry holds prominent place among the Persian poets. Among Persian poets, Nizami is considered as the Imam of epic, philosophical, moral and sofiana poetry. Although, Nizami has also composed Qaseedas and Ghazals, but he is celebrated for his Masnavi. Nizami has written five Masnavies, which includes “ Makhzan ul Israr ’’, “ Khusro o Sherin ’’, “ Laila o Ma Mjnu ’’, “ Haft Pekar ’’ and “ Sikander Nama (Sharf Nama and Iqbal Nama) ’’. Furthermore, in order to develop the associations between Pashto literature and Persian literature, Pashtoon academicians, poets and writers have taken assistance from Persian literature. Afzal Khan Khattak is one such academician who has composed the illustrious “Tareekh e Murassa’’; a book addressing many social and political topics, including a collection of Persian poets and their works. The Book also carries a few poetic samples of Nizami Ganjvi. This paper critically analyze Nizami Ganjvi’s poetry that included in Afzal Khan Khattak’s “ Tareekh e Murassa ’’.
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