A Review of the Translation of the Pashto Translated Novel Taubat-Un-Nasukh

  • Muhammad Dauod Khan Pashto academy Peshawar university
  • Sher Zaman Seemab Assistant Professor, Pashto Academy UoP
Keywords: Novel, Deputy Nazir Ahmad


Novel is considered one of the most important genres of fictional literature, and was first seen in English literature. After gaining popularity in Europe, it was adapted by other languages around the world.InEastern languages, it came to Urdu from English and in Pashto literature through translation from Urdu. The first Pashto Novel was a translation of Urdu Novel “Naqsh-e-Nageen” translatedin 1876 and published in 1957. The next novel translated from Urdu into Pashto was “Taubat-un-Nasukh”, written by Deputy Nazir Ahmad and published in 1874. It was a reformed novel and its aim was to reform and train the children. Mian Muhammad YousafKakakhel translated it with the same title and was published in 1904 (at New Press Rawalpindi). It is an important novel of Pashto literature as it is considered as the first Published novel of Pashto literature and the tradition of novel started with it in Pashto literature.In this article I have pointed out the purpose motives and aims behind this translation and also highlighted its importance and qualities.


Deputy Nazir Ahmad, "Tawba-tu Nasukh", Preface: Iftikhar Ahmad Sadiqi, Majlas Taraqi Abad, Lahore, (1964)

Bibi Maryam, "Da Pakhto da Nasar Tarikhi aw Tanqeedi Jaiza", Taj Kutab Khana, Muhalla Jangi, Qisa Khwani, Pekhawar, (1986)

Deputy Nazir Ahmad, "Tawba-tu Nasukh", Translation: Mian Muhammad Yousaf Kaka Khel, New Press, Rawalpindi

Hanif Khalil, "Pakhto Adab aw Turjuma Negari", Adab Mahal, City Tower, Kabuli Bazar, Peshawar (2022)

How to Cite
Khan, M., & Seemab, S. (2023). A Review of the Translation of the Pashto Translated Novel Taubat-Un-Nasukh. Pashto, 52(665). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/370

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