Concept of Meaning and Form in the Poetry of Wasil Roshani

  • Asal Marjan Mohebwazir Pashto
Keywords: Philosophy, Mysticism, Poetry


Meaning and form are actually a form of thought and matter, essence and existence or soul and body. It has an important topic of philosophy since the beginning, from which the question is raised whether meaning comes first of form? Apart from regular philosophy, this topic has also been important in the theory of unit of being of mysticism. Wasil Roshani has also related to the Pir Roshani school of mystic. He has said a lot about the relationship between meaning and form (appearance) in his poetry. In this article, the study of Wasil Roshani`s poetry has been presented in the context of essence and existential philosophy.

How to Cite
Mohebwazir, A. (2023). Concept of Meaning and Form in the Poetry of Wasil Roshani. Pashto, 52(665). Retrieved from

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