Studying of Archetypes in Khkola Wagma

  • Sayeed Azghar Hashimi Nangarhar university
Keywords: Archetypes


This article discusses architypes and teaches archetypes in the beautiful beauties of the scholar, in which these archetypes are extracted with the mother archetype, the archetype of love and the archetypes of water. Library research and descriptive methods have been used and efforts have been made to present new discourse in a new way and way.


Shahzad Ahmad, Zhwang Nafsiat and Makhfi Olom, Lahore, 2010

Sidiqullah Rekhteen, Khkola Wagma, Pashto Academy, Peshawar, 1997

S. A. Hashimi, The Psychological Study of Epic: Hashimi Publisher, Jalalabad, 1398

Masood Pakdil and Azada Stoda, Analyzing poem of Froogh Akhzad according to the basis of archetype: Studies of Applied Literature, 1398

Ahmad Tamim Dari, The Practical studies of Kah-nul-Algawi travel and getting back of hero in an epopee: Armanistan Science Academy, Iran, 1394

How to Cite
Hashimi, S. (2020). Studying of Archetypes in Khkola Wagma. Pashto, 49(659). Retrieved from