Arzany Kheshky's Affiliation with Qadria Qalandaria School of Thought in Sufism
A Critical Research Review
This research article delves into the biographical and mystic codes surrounding the literary figure Arzany Khweshky in Pashto Literature. The study primarily focuses on his relationship with Peer Rokhan and his literary influences. The investigation includes an analysis of references from Khweshky's early literary works and citations from Dr. Perviz Mahjor's Ph.D. research. Furthermore, this paper explores Arzany's affiliation with the Qadaria Qalandaria Schoo of thoughts in Sufism and decodes various aspects of his mystical journey. Contrary to prior claims, this research challenges the notion that Arzany Khweshky was a disciple of Bayazid Ansari, instead asserting him as a disciple of Shah Bahlol. Additionally, it uncovers his original name, Aziz, asserting that Arzany was his pseudonym. The analysis also incorporates his travelogue, shedding light on his visits to other countries. Lastly, the paper not only presents Arzany's genealogy but also that of his successors.
Pervaiz Mahjoor Khwashki, "Muqadma da Arzani Kheshki Kulyat", Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar (2005)
Arzan Shahi, Nazeer Ahmad Khan, Fateh Lutfah-ud Din Muhammad, "Khanqa Hazrat Dewan Shah Arzani Patna, Ik Taaruf", Maktaba Arzani (2003)
Ali Muhammad Mukhlis, "Halnama", Pashto Academy, Peshawar University (2019)
Syed Shafiq Ahmad, "Tazkira Sayed Ahmad Badpa", Shoba Nashar o Isha'at, Astana Dargah Sharif
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