Khair–ul Bayan: An Analysis

Validity of Hadiths from Sehah-e Setha written in Khair-ul Bayan

  • Abdul Hakim Shah Pashto
Keywords: Khair-ul Bayan, Sahih Bokhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan-e Tirmizi, Sunan-e Abu Daud, Sunan-e Nisayi, Sunan-e Ibn-e Maja


The second era of Pashto literature has proved to be a bacon of light for both Pashto poetry and prose. Regularly, we get the poetry and prose books and pamphlets of this period in printed and non printed form that we can see and read. Bayazid  Ansari, the fonder of Roshani tahreek, and his Followers and opponents used their pens openly for Pashto poetry and prose, this is the first permanent book. Bayazid Ansari wrote Khair-ul-bayan in four languages, Arabic, Persian, Pashto and Hindi. The style of this bokk is inspirational, preachy, oratorical argumentative and marrtyrdom. His subject is Fiqh and sufism. In this book, Bayazid Roshan has consciously used the words and words of different dialect of different tribes and regions od Pashtuns and some words and terms of his own creation. But in spite of this, there are also arabic and Persian words and words based on religious and religious topics-in order to communicate his thoughts and improve his speech, he has many Qur’anic verses in istish’had justification and reasoning, and he brings Ahadiths of the holy Prophet. The present study offers a critical review of  ahadiths  writen in Khair-ul-bayan,   that are available in Sehah-e-Sitha and Valid.

How to Cite
Shah, A. (2023). Khair–ul Bayan: An Analysis. Pashto, 52(666). Retrieved from