A Comparative Study of Pashto and English Proverbs

  • Shah Khalid Khan no such
  • Badr ul Hakim
Keywords: Proverbs, Comparative Proverbs, Cultural Nuances


Proverbs are the multidimensional genre of folklore, exist approximately in every culture of the world. It is also of great importance that universal distribution of proverbs throughout the world, irrespective of time, place, and level of technical and economic development, language or culture. Because of their central role in many aspects of traditional, non-literate societies, the study of proverbs has attracted scholars for centuries. Proverbs main era of collection especially in Pashto and English literatures according to scholars mainly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and still it continues. We can say that the proverb is a universal object because of its existence in every culture. And it comes under some circumstances for the fulfillment of some objectives. In this paper the author pointed out similarities and dissimilarities in Pashto and English proverbs and showed that both nations have the same observations in the same condition and vice versa.


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How to Cite
Khan, S., & Hakim, B. (2023). A Comparative Study of Pashto and English Proverbs. Pashto, 52(666). Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/401