Critical Critical Analysis the Reformative Poetry of Fazal Rahim Saqi

  • Syed Zafar Ullah Bakhshali Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
Keywords: poetry, reformations, social values and social behaviors


The poetry of Fazal Rahim Saqi has many dimensions. He has discussed social, moral and political issues in his poetry. The prominent aspect of his poetry is social reformations and didacticism. He has not only pointed out numerous social issues and problems but also described their solution. In his reformative poetry he has discussed social values and social behaviors. He wants social reforms through peaceful and nonviolent ways. In his themes of social rearms, nonviolence and social tolerance are dominant themes. This article describes the reformative aspects of his poetry.


ساقي، فضل الرحيم، ډک جام، د رهبر د اشاعت څانګه پېښور، کال ١٩٥٧ء، ٦ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ٦ مخ.
همدغه اثر، مخ ٨.
همدغه اثر، ٦١، ٦٢ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ١٠٥ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٠٨ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١١٠، ١١١ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ١١٦ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٢٤ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٢٠ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٦٩ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٧٤، ١٧٥ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ١٧٩ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٨٠، ١٨١، ١٨٢ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ١٨٢، ١٨٣ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ١٩٥ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ٢٧٨ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ٢٧٣ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٩٨، ١٩٩، ٢٠٠ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ٢٠٥ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ٢٢٢، ٢٢٣ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ٢٤٣، ٢٤٤ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ٢٤٨، ٢٤٩ مخونه.
همدغه اثر، ٢٦٦، ٢٦٧ مخونه.
ساقي، فضل الرحيم، نيم جام، يونيورسټي بک اېجنسي کابلۍ دروازه پېښور، د چاپ کال نۀ لري، ١٣ مخ.
همدغه اثر، ١٤ مخ.
How to Cite
Bakhshali, S. (2024). Critical Critical Analysis the Reformative Poetry of Fazal Rahim Saqi. Pashto, 53(667), 92-109. Retrieved from