An Introduction of Different Manuscripts of Rahman Baba in the British Library, London and The John Rylands Library, Manchester, United Kingdom

(Diwan i Rahman Manuscripts)

  • Muhammad Aftab Pashto Academy University of Peshawar
Keywords: Keywords: Pashto Manuscripts, Diwan-i-Rahman in the British Library London and the John Rylands Library Manchester, UK.



Different Manuscripts of Sufi poet Abdur Rahman are found in British Library London and The John Rylands Library Manchester United Kingdom. These Pashto Manuscripts were first time recorded in British Museum Catalogue on 1893 by James Fuller Blumhardt in the “Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi and Pushtu Printed Books, in the Library of the British Museum by J.F Blumhardt, Teacher of Bengali at the University of Oxford, and of Hindustani, Hindi and Bengali for the Imperial Institute, London”1. Blumhardt's subsequent mentions of these manuscripts in other catalogues of 1902 & 19052-3. In this article I attempts to introduce these all Diwan-i-Rahman manuscripts for the first time. Introducing these Diwan-i-Rahman manuscripts to the wider scholarly community opens up avenues for research and comparative studies. By analyzing these texts, researchers can gain insight into Abdur Rahman's poetry, Sufi thought, and the cultural context in which he lived and wrote. Furthermore, comparing different versions of the manuscripts across libraries can shed light on variations in content, language, and interpretation. British Library, London: The British Library is home to a rich collection of Pashto manuscripts, including significant works like the Diwan-i-Rahman. The British Library's commitment to preserving cultural heritage ensures that these manuscripts remain accessible for generations to come. The John Rylands Library, Manchester: Another distinguished institution housing Pashto manuscripts is the John Rylands Library in Manchester. The presence of Pashto manuscripts, including the Diwan-i-Rahman, underscores the library's commitment to cultural diversity and scholarly inquiry. Together, the British Library in London and the John Rylands Library in Manchester play vital roles in preserving and promoting Pashto literature and cultural heritage through their collections of Pashto manuscripts, including the esteemed Diwan-i-Rahman.


1. Catalogue of the Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi and Pushtu Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum by J. F. Blumhardt, Teacher of Bengali at the University of Oxford, and of Hindustani, Hindi and Bengali for the Imperial Institute, London 1893.
2. Catalogue of the Library of the India Office. Vol. II-Part III. Hindi, Panjabi, Pushtu, and Sindhi Books. By J. F. Blumhardt, M.A, Professor of Hindustani, and Lecturer on Hindi and Bengali at University College, London; and Teacher of Bengali at the University of Oxford, 1902.
3. Catalogue of the Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Pushtu, and Sindhi Manuscripts in the Library of the British Museum, by J. F. Blumhardt, M.A, 1905.
4. J. F. Blumhardt & D.N. Mackenzie, Catalogues of Pashto Manuscripts in the libraries of the British Isles, London-1965.
5. J. F. Blumhardt. Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. London: Longmans & Co., 1886
6. J. F. Blumhardt. Catalogue of Hindustani Printed Books in the Library of the British Museum. London: Longmans & Co., 1889.
7. Sangarwal Shasawar Niazai, Da Britania Pa Kitabtononu ki da Paktho Qalami Nuskhu Paizandana, Afghan Adabi Jirga, London, 2011.
8. Critical Analysis of Pashto Manuscript Catalogues Abdul Rahman Habibzui
9. Khalil, Javed Dr. Pukhto Mustashriqen (Pashto) 2011
10. Tahir, Nawaz, Rohi Adab (Pashto) 2020
11. Catalogue FIHRIST, evolved from a joint Oxford-Cambridge pilot-project (Oxford Cambridge Islamic Manuscript Catalogue on-line – OCIMCO, funded by JISC [2009-11]), into a UK-wide union catalogue, continuously expanding in volume, as libraries and research projects are contributing manuscripts descriptions.
How to Cite
Aftab, M. (2024). An Introduction of Different Manuscripts of Rahman Baba in the British Library, London and The John Rylands Library, Manchester, United Kingdom. Pashto, 53(667), 143-160. Retrieved from