The Romanticism in Ikramullah Gran's Ghazal

  • Farhad Momand student
  • Dr. Sher Zaman Seemab
Keywords: Keywords: Naturalism, Individualism, Humanism, Sentimentality, Imagery.



Ikramullah Gran's poetic oeuvre epitomizes the epitome of romance and sophistication, epitomizing the quintessence of contemporary Pashto verse. His compositions are adorned with vivid imagery, evincing a profound romantic ethos and accentuating the intricacies inherent in human sentiment and interpersonal dynamics. Through his literary corpus, Ikramullah Gran articulates sentiments of affection, serenity, and fellowship, extolling the inherent splendor of mankind and the natural milieu. Drawing inspiration from luminaries of English Romanticism such as Wordsworth, he adeptly orchestrates his poetic compositions with artistic finesse and idiosyncratic verbiage, effectively capturing the essence of quotidian existence. His poetry serves as a conduit for novel ideas and individualistic expression, enriching the poetic discourse with innovative perspectives, aesthetic allure, and penetrating insights into the human condition. Core thematic strands encompass a reverential appreciation of nature, a fervent veneration of beauty, the celebration of individuality, emotive resonance, and an abiding love for humanity.


1. Ali Khel, Durman, Rokhan stori, Ranna pukhto adabi tolana, 2013, 193 p.
2. Wafa, Mohammad Daud, Da pukhto massir adab tarikh, Momand khaparondoya tolana, Jalalabad, 2022, 238 p.
3. Khalil, Hanif, alam wo fan, University Publishers, Peshawar, 2022, 223 p.
4. Gran, Ikramullah, zama Ghazal, Millat Educational Printers, Lahore, 2002, 66 p.
5- Hum dagha asar, 90 p.
6 Gran, Ikramullah Gran, Zowand da khyal pa aayna ke, Amer Print and Publishers, Peshawar, 2015, 35p.
7- Hum dagha asar, page 21.
8- Khattak, Dr. Iqbal Nasim, Khushal and Jamalyat, Jadoon Press, Peshawar, 1987, 51p.
9- Gran, Ikramullah, Zama Ghazal, Millat Educational Printers, Lahore, 2002, p. 207.
10- Hum dagha asar, page 94.
11- Hum dagha asar, 133 p.
12- Gran, Ikramullah, Zowand da khyal pa aayna ke, Amer Print and Publishers, Peshawar, 2015, 14 p.
13. Hum dagha asar, 190 p.
14. Sayle, Khawaja Muhammad, Romaniyat aw Abdul Hameed Baba, Araaf Printers, Peshawar, dwayam chap, 2019, 74 p.
15. Zaryab Yousafzai, Da Ikramullah Gran pa Insani rowiw serrana, pukhto mujala, 46 juld, January- June, 2018, 46 p.
16. Gran, Ikramullah, zama Ghazal, Millat Educational Printers, Lahore, 2002, 128 p.
17. Hum dagha asar, 26 p.
18. Hum dagha asar, 111 p.
19. Hum dagha asar, 24 p.
20. Khattak, Fazl Mir, Fazliat, drem ishaat, Araaf Printers, Peshawar, 2021, 82 p.
21. Ali Khel, Darman Rokhan stori, Ranna pukhto adabi tolana, 2013, 192 p.
22. Gran, Ikramullah, zama Ghazal, Millat Educational Printers, Lahore, 2002, p. 140.
23. Hum dagha asar, 140 p.
24. Hum dagha asar, 128 p.
25. Hum dagha asar, 202 p.
26. Hum dagha asar, 172 p.
27. Hum dagha asar, 176 p.
28. Hum dagha asar,164 p.
How to Cite
Momand, F., & Seemab, D. (2024). The Romanticism in Ikramullah Gran’s Ghazal. Pashto, 53(667), 161-175. Retrieved from