Importance of Poetry in terms of Quran and Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

  • Ashfaq Ali Department of Islamic Theology, Islamia College University, Peshawar
  • Ihsan Ullah Department of Shariah and Law, University of Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Keywords: Poetry, Islam


In terms of dictionary meaning poetry means understanding, knowledge, and wittiness. Literally poetry means (mufti) Arabic language yasir bin kahtan and in Persian language Bahram gour and in Pushto language Ameer karoor, their poetry is famous .in Islamic sharaiat poets are given high fame and their poetry is well known and stands on high grounds. That poetry which does not breach the Islamic code ,our holy prophet (pbuh)has given to poetry a high status and has declared poetry wisdom and has valued many poets who has worked for the up brining of islam and has used their pen for the betterment of Islam and in Quran literally knowledge is taken from poetry and companions of the holy prophet has recited many poetry and the holy prophet pbuh has never recited any poetry because in Quran recitation of poetry is considered haram but from other poets our holy prophet use to listen poetry and certainly use to praise poets. That poetry is not allowed in Islam, which transcends the barriers of Islam and results in social moral and religious degradation.
How to Cite
Ali, A., & Ullah, I. (2019). Importance of Poetry in terms of Quran and Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Pashto, 48(657). Retrieved from