ACRPWPFS A short critical review of published works on Pashtun folk songs

  • Mohammad Rahman Rahmani Ph.D Scholar
Keywords: Folklore, Pashtuns’ Folklore, Narration, Literature publications, literature types.


There are a lot of various types of literary classes in the wide field of Pashto Folklore, that each of them has high literary value. In this section of literature is one oral material which is called narration (Nakal). Some Pashtuns refer it as story and riddle, which represents Pashtuns’ life informative sections. Habits and sometimes superstition issues as riddle.

The speaker of this folkloric literature is not known and transformed orally from generation to generation by the passage of time. Narrations in addition to amusement and entertainment keeps the Pashtuns’ historical events with own self. 

In this article a brief view is presented on the introduction and literature position. As follows a short view is presented on the authors who collected this valuable literature part from the among of the nations and published in their publications, their publications.

In accordance with this issue there are eleven various publications are available, which are from Afghanistan, Pakhtunkhwa, South Pakhtunkhwa and as well the publications of eastern professors which are specified for Pashto narrations. As a result, besides the introduction of every publication, content, literature value and Method is explained and finally the used references are listed.


1.Pohanwal Ph. D Lal Pacha Azmun, Pakhto Folklore Adabiat, Yar Khparanduya Tolana, Jalal Abad,1397,220 Makh.
2.Abdulkarim Patang, Garani Adab, Da Afghanistan Aloumo Academe, Kabul, 1357,68 Makh.
3.Mont Storat Alfanstan, Da Kabul Sultanat Bayan, Da Dr, M, H Kakar Aw Nasrulah Subman Zbara, Aloumo Academe,1359, 247 Makh.
4.Seranpoh Nasrullah Nasar, Da Pakhtani Folklor Da Chape Majmo Serandud, , Da Afghanistan Aloumo Academe, Kabul, 1399, 107 Makh.
5.Abdulbari Jahani, Da Pakhto da Folklore Nakloni Land Tahlil, Rishad Khparanduya Tolana, Kandahar,1390,8makh.
6. Mirahmad Gorbaz, Da Paktia Naklona, Da Afghanistan Aloumo Academe, Kabul, 1369, 23 Makh.
7. Goti Khawre, Da Nangarhar Naklona, Da Folklor Aw Shafahi Adabyato Department,1368,4 Makh.
8. Porta Asar, 31makh.
9.Dr, Ali Khel Daryab, Folklore Qise, Gran Khparanduya Tolana, Swat,2024,28makh.
10. Mohammad GUL Noori, Mili Hendara, Rohyal Nasharat, Kandahar,2017, 14 Makh.
11.Porta Asar,14 Makh.
12. Abdulbari Jahani, Da Pakhto da Folklore Nakloni Land Tahlil, Rishad Khparanduya Tolana, Kandahar,1390,10makh.
13. Porta Asar,9 Makh.
How to Cite
Rahmani, M. R. (2024). ACRPWPFS A short critical review of published works on Pashtun folk songs. Pashto, 53(667), 126-142. Retrieved from