A Literary Research of Folkloric Ganre; Da Shadio Badali

  • Noor Muhammad Khan M. Phil
  • Dr. Subhan ullah shahab
Keywords: Da Shadio Badali, Folkloric Genre, Origin of the genre, Syllable, Stressed Syllable


This research introduces a Folkloric Ganre of Pashto called as Da Shadio Badali. Da Shadio Badali has a spefic form which proves that it is a unique genre of Pashto folklore. The origin of this genre is from Borai, Zhob, Killa Saifullah, Ziarat and Muslimbagh (Kakaristan). It has some characteristics in its form similler to Kakarai Gharhi and Da Attan Nari as well as its lingual properties that prove its origin from the same place. This ganre is specific to the wedding cerimonies, customs and traditions relivant to marriage. According to the form it has only one type, the three line, every line of which has about eight syllables, and a third stressed syllable in each foot. If we consider the lyrics, Da Shadio Badali have so many lyrics and rhyms. Themetic side if it is limited to domestic level. Pashton women has given this genre to Pashto folklore. 


1. سيال کاکړ، فولکلوري جواهر(۱۹۷۹ء) پښتو اکېډمۍ کوټه،۱۱۲م مخ
2. هم دغه اثر، ۱۵م مخ
3. بېنوا، عبدالرووف، ادبي فنون(۱۳۸۳هـ ش) پښتو ټولنه کابل، ۳۳م او ۳۴م مخ
4. ګل سانده، چاوتره، زيارت، وخت ماخوستن لس بجې، ۱۵ اګست ۲۰۲۳
5. حبيب الله رفيع، د خلکو سندرې(۱۳۴۹ هـ ش) د افغانستان اکادمي د تاريخ او ادب ټولنه، ۷۶م مخ
6. ازمون، لعل باچا، پښتو فولکلوري ادبيات(۱۳۹۵هـ ش) پکتوس خپرندويه ټولنه، ۲۳۲م مخ
7. http://shpelay.blogfa.com/post/60
8. محمد داؤد وفا، د فولکور پېژندنې لارښود(۲۰۱۳)،ختيځ اکاډمي ننګرهار، ۱۰۷م مخ
9. سيال کاکړ، فولکلوري جواهر(۱۹۷۹ء) پښتو اکېډمۍ کوټه،۱۱۲م مخ
10. هم دغه اثر،۹۲م مخ
11. هم دغه اثر، ۷۱م مخ
12. ګل سانده، چاوتره، زيارت، وخت ماخوستن لس بجې، ۱۵ اګست ۲۰۲۳
13. ايضاً
14. شاه جهان، پښتو ادب کې د مېرمنو برخه(۱۹۹۳ء) پښتو اکېډمي پېښور، ۶۲م مخ
15. سيال کاکړ، فولکلوري جواهر(۱۹۷۹ء) پښتو اکېډمۍ کوټه، ۳۴ مخ
16. هم دغه اثر، ۱۶م مخ
17. هم هغه اثر، ۱۶م او ۱۷م مخ
1. Siyal Kakar, Folklori Jawahir, 1979 A.D., Pashto Academy Quetta, p. 112
2. Same source, p. 15
3. Benawa, Abd-ur-Rawoof, Adabi Funoon, 1383 H., Pashto Tolana Kabul, p. 33, 34
4. Gulsanda, Personal communication, Chawatra, Ziarat, 10:00 P.M 15th August 2023
5. Habibullah Rafi, Da Khalko Sandari, 1349 H.,Da Afghanistan Academy Da Tareekh ao Adab Tolana, p. 76
6. Azmoon, Lal Bacha, Pashto Folklori Adabiyaat, 1395 H., Paktiwis Khparandoi Tolana, p. 232
7. http://shpelay.blogfa.com/post/60
8. Muhammad Dawood Wafa, Da Folklore Pezhandani Larshod, 2013 A.D , Khateez Tolana Ningarhar, p 107
9. Siyal Kakar, Folklori Jawahir, 1979 A.D., Pashto Academy Quetta, p. 112
10. Same Source, p. 92
11. Same source, p.71
12. Gulsanda, Personal cummunication, Chawatra, Ziarat, 10:00 P.M 15th August 2023
13. Same Reference
14. Shah Jahan, Pashto Adab ki Da Mermano Barkha, 1993 A.D, Pashto Academy Peshawar, p. 62
15. Siyal Kakar, Folklori Jawahir, 1979 A.D., Pashto Academy Quetta, p. 34
16. Same source, p. 16
17. Same source, p. 16 and 17
How to Cite
Khan, N., & shahab, D. (2024). A Literary Research of Folkloric Ganre; Da Shadio Badali. Pashto, 53(667), 247-260. Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/479