A Critical Review of the short stories of Zahidu Ur Rahman Zahid’s in Malakand’s short stories literature.

  • Haider Hussain . Peshawar University
  • Dr Sherzaman Seemab
Keywords: Pashto Afsana, Zaid Ur Rahman Zahid, Malakand Afsana, Neemgaray Meena, Spera, Ghag


Malakand’s soil is very rich in term of literary works.  This soil has given birth to a number of prominent literary personalities and the journey still continues.  The literary achievements of these personalities include all aspects of Pashto literature, including fiction. The fiction writers of Malakand have done tremendous works in this regard. Fiction is called a short story but have very meaningful interpretation.  Therefore, fiction is an integral part of literature having very deep understanding and reflecting societal realities. In Pashto Literature the first fiction has been written by Rahat Zakheli in 1917 titled “Kunda Jenay”. This was the start of the journey toward achievement goals of excellence in this regard. Today there are a number of fiction writers who are producing fictions reflecting realities of life including Zaid Ur Rehman Zahid. So far he has produced a collection titled “Neemgaray Khob”. Zahid may be called a very good fiction writer. His fictions reflect a very high standard of techniques. His collection consisted of eleven fictions may be called very authentic and genuine one.


1 ۔ زېدالرحمان ذاهد،نيمګړے خوب،دي پرنټ مېن پرنټرز اېنډ پبلشرز پېښور،اکتوبر 2023ء، مخونه 5،6
2 ۔ هم دغه اثر،مخونه 12، 13
3 ۔ هم دغه اثر، مخ 13
4 ۔ هم دغه اثر،مخ 34
5 ۔ هم دغه اثر،مخ 39
6 ۔ هم دغه اثر،مخ 55
7 ۔ هم دغه اثر،مخ 15
8 ۔ هم دغه اثر،هم دغه مخ
How to Cite
., H., & Seemab, D. (2024). A Critical Review of the short stories of Zahidu Ur Rahman Zahid’s in Malakand’s short stories literature. Pashto, 53(668), 53-74. Retrieved from http://pashto.org.pk/index.php/path/article/view/489