The importance of the magazine “Pasoon” in the development of Pashto literature.

  • Hazrat Gull . Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
  • Dr Syed Zafar Ullah Bakhshali
Keywords: Key words Monthly Magazine Pasoon Literature Promotion


This research proposal explores the significance of the bi-monthly magazine "Pasoon" in the evolution of Pashto literature. Established in 2005, "Pasoon" has been instrumental in providing a platform for writers and intellectuals to showcase their work and engage in critical discussions, contributing significantly to Pashto literary journalism. The study aims to identify and analyze the literary contributions and diction of "Pasoon," evaluating its worth in contemporary poetry and prose through a case-study approach including literature review, interviews, and content analysis. The research seeks to preserve cultural heritage, promote linguistic diversity, and highlight the pivotal role of "Pasoon" in the development of Pashto literature and broader Pashto-speaking communities.

Key words Monthly Magazine Pasoon Literature Promotion


۱ خليل ،محمدحنيف،پروفېسر،علم وفن،يونيورسټي پبلشرزافغان مارکيټ پېښور،۲۰۲۲ء،ص ۳۱۰
۲ اديب، عبدالکافې،خورې پاڼې،يونيوروټې بک ايجنسي پيښور ښار دريم ايډيشن ۱۹۹۵ء
۳ پاڅون ،وړمنۍ ګڼه،اداريه،نومبردسمبر۲۰۰۵ء
۴ د اسرار ، محمداسرار، ډاکټر سره مرکه ،نيټه ۲۰۲۴ء-۸-۱۸ځائےدډاکټر اسراراسرار دېره وخت مازيګر شپږ بجې
۵ باچا، امجد علي ،ډاکټر،سره ټيلي فوني مرکه،نيټه ۲۰۲۴ء-۸-۲۰ وخت ماسخوتن نهه بجې
۶ هوتي، محمداکبر ايډوکېټ ،سره مرکه،نيټه،۲۰۲۴ء-۸-۲۹ وخت ماښام اووۀ نيمې بجې
۷ باچا، سيد افضل شاه ،سره مرکه ،نيټه۲۰۲۴ء-۹-۰۷ ځائے دهغوي دېره وخت پينځه بجې
۸ زبېر ،حضرت زبېر ،ورځپاڼه وحدت،۲۵اپرېل ۲۰۲۴،ص ۶
۹ پرويز، ميرمن ياسمين احمد خان،پي ايچ ډي ےحقيقي مقاله،مياشتنۍ رساله ،پښتو،۲۰۰۰ء،ص۳۲۴
۱۰ د اسرار ، محمداسرار، ډاکټر سره مرکه ،نيټه ۲۰۲۴ء-۸-۱۸ځائےدډاکټر اسراراسرار دېره وخت مازيګر شپږ بجې
How to Cite
., H., & Bakhshali, D. (2024). The importance of the magazine “Pasoon” in the development of Pashto literature. Pashto, 53(668), 109-124. Retrieved from