Khāl” an Ancient Symbol in Aesthetic Discourse: A Historical and Folkloric Study

  • Dr. Barakat shah Kakar Pashto Academy University of Peshawar
Keywords: Key Words; Khāl (Tattoo), Aesthetic Symbol, Folklore, Southern Pashtun Society, Intangible Cultural Heritage


This paper explores the aesthetic and cultural significance of "Khāl" (tattoo) as a symbol deeply embedded in the socio-cultural fabric of cultures in the different regions. Traditionally, women in the Pashtun society have used "Khāl" to manifest their beauty, applying it to their cheeks, foreheads, chins and wrists using indigenous techniques.The prevalence of "Khāl" in the classical, modern and folkloric poetry further highlights its cultural resonance. Songs and oral traditions from almost all parts of the Pashtun land frequently reference "Khāl" as a motif of beauty and identity. However, the advent of free market economy, emergence of cultural industry, ICTs driven mass media and modern educational system has led to a decline in this tradition, though it remains vibrant in parts of the rural and tribal settings. By examining historical accounts, folklore, and interviews with local experts, this paper highlights the evolving role of "Khāl" as an aesthetic, therapeutic, and cultural artifact in Southern Pashtun society.  



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How to Cite
Kakar, D. (2025). Khāl” an Ancient Symbol in Aesthetic Discourse: A Historical and Folkloric Study. Pashto, 53(668), 212-229. Retrieved from