Bayazeed the 1st Pashto Book Writer Poet

  • Faqir Muhammad Faqir Pashtunkhwa Study Center, Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, Pakistan
  • Shahab Aziz Arman Government Degree College, Tangi, Pakistan
Keywords: Pir Roshan, Poetry, Bayazid Ansari


If the history of Pashto language and Pashtun nation enables us towards its ancient period but unfortunately, literary and scientific aspects are not found in Pashto. And in this respect the available data loses its importance as the foundations provided for that are not so much vital and trusted. Bayazed Ansari (Pir Rokhan) is the person who becomes the fortune of this language as he and his followers contributed a lot to Pashto and are declared the pioneers in Prose and Poetry. He becomes the torch bearer of the literature and a mega series of literary movements get start from him. Bayazed Ansari is a well-known prose writer but his poetry is not so much familiar. The reason behind is that his poetry manuscripts were not found. It is also a fact that his poetry is substandard. Some of the critics are doubtful about his poetry due to which the students of literature remained unaware of his poetry. Modern research proves that Dh Ilam risala, Khairul Bayan and Farht ul Mujtaba are the writings of one man. The teachings, words, terminologies and style of these books are the same. Besides that the personal formed words of Bayazed Ansari are also found in these items. Those specific words are not even used by Roshanites. On the basis of the mentioned facts we can clearly claim that like Khairul Bayan "Dh Ilam Risala" and "Farhatul Mujtaba" are the first poetic sources of Bayazed Ansari.
How to Cite
Faqir, F., & Arman, S. (2019). Bayazeed the 1st Pashto Book Writer Poet. Pashto, 48(657). Retrieved from

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