Strengthening the nexus between Quality of Education and Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan under the Sustainable Development Goals

With a Focus on Khyber Pakhtunkhawa

  • Farhat Shafiq Pakistan Manpower Institute, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Education, Productivity, Sustainable Development Goals


This paper is an attempt to find out the nexus between the quality of education and total factor productivity (TFP) in Pakistan with a focus on province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The aim is to explore key policy areas for sustainable development and to meet the set-out targets for 2030. Qualitative methodology is adopted for this research paper to collect and interpret the data. The basic assumption opted to write this paper is that a well-educated and well-trained population helps a society to increase its ability to acquire and use relevant knowledge. Human capital, for example, in the form of level of education, has a significant effect on TFP. Its role as a determinant of capacity of economy to carry out technological innovation is unavoidable. Labor in-efficiency, deficient supplies of entrepreneurship; inadequate training and measuredly slow growth in knowledge are highly linked to overall economic backwardness. In case of KP, it has missed the target of acquiring literacy rate of 86% by 2015 like other provinces of Pakistan. The kind of education imparted in Pakistan including KP is not up to the mark at all. Supplementing higher dropout-outs, improper teaching and teaching aids, absenteeism, inefficient time management as well as biased, discriminatory and myopic textbooks fail to impart a knowledge-based education. Curriculum remains irrelevant and teacher-student contact time is limited. However, Pakistan has signed and showed commitment to meet the new targets under SDGs by 2030 and the same in adopted by KP and other provinces. Major improvements can be done by making more investment in public education, adopting human rights principle, revising the curriculum, infrastructure improvement, ensuring merit-based learning and promoting vocational training can lead towards a well-educated population to contribute as a component of total factor productivity.
How to Cite
Shafiq, F. (2019). Strengthening the nexus between Quality of Education and Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan under the Sustainable Development Goals. Pashto, 47(656). Retrieved from