Critical Study of Printed Texts of Tareekh-e-Murassa; in Light of Established Principles of Textual Criticism

  • Abdullah Jan Abid Department of Pakistani Languages, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Afzal Khan, Dost Muhammad Khan Kamil, Tareekh-e-Murassa, Textual Criticism


The Tareekh-e-Murassa is an ancient text of Pashto that was authored by Afzal Khan Khattak (5701 H to 5538 H), the grandson of Khushal Khan Khatak. It is the first voluminous book written in the domain of history in Pashto which carries information regarding political and social situations of that era. Furthermore, this book not only elucidates the conditions of prophets and saints but also tells history of Pakhtun nation, history of Khattak tribe and history of Mughals. With reference to literature, it has paramount importance. It is considered one of the best prosaic representations of that period. This text has been edited by well-known Pashto‟s researcher, Dost Muhammad khan Kamil Momand. Till now, its two editions have been published. In this paper, both the editions of this ancient text have critically been studied in the light of prevalent principles of textual criticism. This work would be fruitful for the future research scholars and editors of Pashto.


How to Cite
Abid, A. (2020). Critical Study of Printed Texts of Tareekh-e-Murassa; in Light of Established Principles of Textual Criticism. Pashto, 48(658). Retrieved from