Critical Analysis of Pashto Manuscript Catalogues
The primary steps on Pashto manuscripts catalogue writing has been taken by Englishmen, as we know they are the ones whom are the first researcher on other languages too. In 19th century the Pashto manuscript catalogue has been introduced among the other language’s manuscripts in Europe, consequently in a systematic level in 20th century in Europe catalogue making on manuscripts have been started f Blumhardt is the first person in 1905 who created the Pashto manuscripts catalogue of British museum. Here we introduced 18 Pashto Manuscripts and had a look regarding its way of writing with point of view of research and critical analysis. We are sure that this article may be fruitful for those whom are in straggling on Pashto manuscripts.
Hiwadmal,Zalmay, Professor,Interview,ASA,2019.
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh n Manabiu Paizandana aw Arzyabi,Da Afghanistan Da Alumo Academy,Zabu aw Adabyato Markaz,Pashto Tolana,1367,287page.
Wish,Raz Mohamad,Pashto KitabShud,Pashto Tolana,1337,87-163pages
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh n Manabiu Paizandana aw Arzyabi,Da Afghanistan Da Alumo Academy,Zabu aw Adabyato Markaz,Pashto Tolana,1367,288-289pages.
Above Reference,290page.
Above Refrence,1page.
Above Reference 291page.
Anwarulhaq,Zamong Qalami Nuskhi,Pashto Magazine,1957,1st edition,107-116pages/1958,1,2,3,4editions,122-128,133-136,126-127,143-146pages and 1959 2nd edition,139-142pages.
Shiwari,Murad,Zamong Qalami Panga,Pashto Magzine,1959,oct,nov,sep editions,142-146,136-140pages.
Above reference,1988.9th,10th ,11th,12th edtions,61-76pages.
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh n Manabiu Paizandana aw Arzyabi,294page.
Mikinzi,D N M,Ph.D, Catalogue of Pushto Manuscripts in the library of the Brattish Isles, British museum and common wealth relation organization, Landon,1965,Pashto translation by Anayatullah Mehrabi.
Hiwadmal,Zalmay,Professor,Interview,2019,9.25,1:00 AM.
Rishteen,Sidiqullah,Professor,Kabul Magzine,3th,5th,6th,9th editions,1343,Pashto Tolana, governmental prints.
Rishteen,Sidiqullah,Professor,The Pashto Qalami Nuskhu Paizandana,Hiwad newspaper,14th edition,1346,government prints,2page.
Satuda,M.Ibrahim and Abdul Rahman,Da Pashto 108 Qalami Nuskhu Paizandana,Da Kabul Pohantoon Kitabkhana,1354.
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh n Manabiu Paizandana aw Arzyabi,299page.
Rafi,Habibullah,Pashto Magzine, 4-8 editions, 1988, pp 48, 51, 53, 55-57, 58, 60, Pashto Academy University of Peshawar, Hamdyah Electric press, Peshawar.
Hiwadmal,Zalmay,Da Hind da Kitabkhanu Pashto Khati Nuskhi,ASA,Pashto Tolana,1363,4page.
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh Khati Manabi,Pashto Tolana,1366,Governmental prints,16page.
Najrabi,Abdul Qadir Mushtari Haidari,Fihrist-e- Nusukh-e-Khati Pashto Arshief Mili Afghanistan,Jalalkot,Komita Dowlati.
Tasbihi,M.Husain,Dr,Fihrist-e-Alafbaayee Nuskhahayee Khati Kitabkhan-e- Gangbakhsh,Markazi Tahqiqat-e-Farsi Iron wa Pakistn,2005,ISB,S T Printers & Publishers,18page.
Khalil, Hanif, A catalogue of Pashto Manuscript in Pakistan,National Institute of Pakistani Studies,Quid-e-Azam University ISB,University publication.
Hiwadmal,Zalamy,Professor,Pa Kabul ki da yaw ichor shawi Kitabkhani da chor shawyo khati Nuskhu Fihrist,Shamshad Magzine,1th ,2th editions,2000-2001,94-116pages.
Nasim Arif and Abdul Hamid,Muqadima Dr Salma Shahin,Fihrist-e-Makhtotat,Pashto Academy Unversity of Peshawar,2011,Jadon Printing press,Khyber Bazar,3page.
Naizai,Sangarwal Shasawar,Da Britania Pa Kitabtononu ki da Pakhto Qalami Nuskhu Paizandana,Afghan Adabi Jarga, Landon,2011.
Above Reference,1-2pages.
Dost,Sharifullah,Research fellow,Da Afghanistan Da Alumo Academy Da Pashto Khati Nuskho Tahlili Serana,1397,24page.140,142-146pages and 1961,1,2,3,4 editions,132-140pages.
Rahim Shah Rahim,Zamong Qalami Panga,Pashto Magzine,1987-1988,10th,11th,12th editions,138-140pages.
Above reference,1988.9th,10th ,11th,12th edtions,61-76pages.
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh n Manabiu Paizandana aw Arzyabi,294page.
Mikinzi,D N M,Ph.D, Catalogue of Pushto Manuscripts in the library of the Brattish Isles, British museum and common wealth relation organization, Landon,1965,Pashto translation by Anayatullah Mehrabi.
Hiwadmal,Zalmay,Professor,Interview,2019,9.25,1:00 AM.
Rishteen,Sidiqullah,Professor,Kabul Magzine,3th,5th,6th,9th editions,1343,Pashto Tolana, governmental prints.
Rishteen,Sidiqullah,Professor,The Pashto Qalami Nuskhu Paizandana,Hiwad newspaper,14th edition,1346,government prints,2page.
Satuda,M.Ibrahim and Abdul Rahman,Da Pashto 108 Qalami Nuskhu Paizandana,Da Kabul Pohantoon Kitabkhana,1354.
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh n Manabiu Paizandana aw Arzyabi,299page.
Rafi,Habibullah,Pashto Magzine, 4-8 editions, 1988, pp 48, 51, 53, 55-57, 58, 60, Pashto Academy University of Peshawar, Hamdyah Electric press, Peshawar.
Hiwadmal,Zalmay,Da Hind da Kitabkhanu Pashto Khati Nuskhi,ASA,Pashto Tolana,1363,4page.
Hiwadmal,Zalamay,Da Pashto Adabi Tarikh Khati Manabi,Pashto Tolana,1366,Governmental prints,16page.
Najrabi,Abdul Qadir Mushtari Haidari,Fihrist-e- Nusukh-e-Khati Pashto Arshief Mili Afghanistan,Jalalkot,Komita Dowlati.
Tasbihi,M.Husain,Dr,Fihrist-e-Alafbaayee Nuskhahayee Khati Kitabkhan-e- Gangbakhsh,Markazi Tahqiqat-e-Farsi Iron wa Pakistn,2005,ISB,S T Printers & Publishers,18page.
Khalil, Hanif, A catalogue of Pashto Manuscript in Pakistan,National Institute of Pakistani Studies,Quid-e-Azam University ISB,University publication.
Hiwadmal,Zalamy,Professor,Pa Kabul ki da yaw ichor shawi Kitabkhani da chor shawyo khati Nuskhu Fihrist,Shamshad Magzine,1th ,2th editions,2000-2001,94-116pages.
Nasim Arif and Abdul Hamid,Muqadima Dr Salma Shahin,Fihrist-e-Makhtotat,Pashto Academy Unversity of Peshawar,2011,Jadon Printing press,Khyber Bazar,3page.
Naizai,Sangarwal Shasawar,Da Britania Pa Kitabtononu ki da Pakhto Qalami Nuskhu Paizandana,Afghan Adabi Jarga, Landon,2011.
Above Reference,1-2pages.
Dost,Sharifullah,Research fellow,Da Afghanistan Da Alumo Academy Da Pashto Khati Nuskho Tahlili Serana,1397,24page.
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