Forensic Linguistics

  • Bushra Ikram Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
Keywords: Forensic Linguistics, Phonetics


The scientific study of language linguistics overturned the traditional ways of investigations led to forensic linguistics in various fields. It brought out changes in every field of life on new parameters. Forensic linguistics enabled the individuals and institutes to scientifically move through a case study under investigations. Forensic linguistics inclines a researcher to wipe out the flaws finding in investigation. There are numerous tools used in investigation to cope with a problem to be solved. All the grammatical letters, words, phrases, vowels, notations, symbols, sentences and paragraphs either written or uttered are used to move ahead through the process of investigation. Forensic linguistics curtailed the crimes rate and empowered the investigatory bodies to cope with a crime in a scientific way. This paper will reflect the origin, evolution and application of forensic linguistics in various firms.

How to Cite
Ikram, B. (2019). Forensic Linguistics. Pashto, 47(656). Retrieved from