In order to understand Jirga system (council for elders) in Waziristan, it is necessary to have the knowledge of trible structure existing there. The society is hierarchically divided into families, sub-castes, castes, and tribes as the highest category, eg Wazir, Mehsod, Dawar, Urmer, Dotani and Suleman Khel are the major tribes dwelling in Waziristan. All these divisions and have their elders representing them in disputes or on government forums. The elders are usually vigilant, sane, hospitable and brave persons. These elders are at the same time decision makers, executers, and responsible for the maintenance of peace. Waziristan, unlike other territories, has never been completely controlled by colonial powers and thus largely remained autonomous. Due to this reason, Jirga has survived till this day. How does Jirga settle disputes, and/or what stages and procedures it adopts will remain the major theme of this paper.
همدغه بره اثر
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مولانا غېن الله صېب، منزاره کلے، خېسوره تحصيل تيارزه ، شناختي کارډ شمېره: 12201-5435939-3
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