The Perfect cognitive Hazrat Syed mir Awnwar Shah’s Ethical Poetry

  • Nasrullah Majnoon Dr, Assistant Professor, Islamia College Uni Islamia College University Peshawar
  • Tufail Ahmad zaryab yousafzai lecturer in Pashto icp
Keywords: Ethics, Ethical, Classic, Society, Reforms, Vital, same era.


The ethics is the subject topic of the poetry of the Pashto Classic. The subject is also have the requirements of the society especially in the current situation we need social and ethical reforms for facing the changing situation. The poets of Pashto have played their vital role in the subject topic for the sake of humanity. Hazrat Syed Mir Anwar Shah has also make the ethics his main topic of his poetry. Mir Anwar Shah is the poet of the same era and age of the Sufi Rahman Baba and his poetry have also the colours of humanity and Ethics. This paper is going to discuss the ethical aspect of the poetry of Mir Anwar Shah.


Author Biography

Tufail Ahmad zaryab yousafzai, lecturer in Pashto icp

I am the Poet and the fictionist, drama , fiction and novel writer. I have written more than 450 dramas , more than hundred fictions, novelet and novels as well. I have written more than thousands verses in poetry. I am the student of the year of UOM 2014. Poet of the campus UOM 2014. being a researcher I have research project on my behalf for the Pashto academy UOP. I have research on folklore , dailects , culture , history and literature. My 12 papers are published, Alhamdulillah. I have more than two thousands literary programs on my cridit for international radio network. I am translator and have the experience of radio production. Now a days I am teaching in a prestegiuos institute ,Islamia College Peshawar. 


پروفېسر محمد افضل، پټ ستوري(تاليف) جدون پرېس پېښور،1984ء، مخ:443

پروفېسر ډاکټر محمد اسلام ګوهر، ادراکات، نورالله کتوزۍ پرنټرز، پېښور، اګست ۲۰۱۳ء، مخ: ۱۳
حضرت سيد مير انور شاه، صحيفه انوريه، عدن پرنټرز، لاهور، چاپ درېم ۲۰۱۸ء، مخ: ۵۲

حضرت سيد مير انور شاه، صحيفه انوريه، مخ۸۶
هم دغه مخ۱۰۴
هم دغه مخ۹۲
هم دغه مخ۲۰۴
هم دغه مخ۴۹۲
علامه محمد اجمل خان، تصوف کا مکمل انسائيکلوپيډيا (تاليف)،پراگريسؤ بُکس، اردو بازار، لاهور، مارچ ۲۰۱۷ء، مخ۳۷

حضرت سيد مير انور شاه، صحيفه انوريه، مخ ۷۲
هم دغه مخ۲۶۴
هم دغه مخ۷۴
هم دغه مخ۳۴۰
هم دغه مخ ۲۶۲
هم دغه مخ۷۶
هم دغه مخ ۷۴
هم دغه مخ ۲۶۴
هم دغه مخ ۲۶۸
هم دغه مخ ۲۸۸
هم دغه مخ۲۴۶
هم دغه مخ ۷۴
هم دغه مخ ۳۳۲
هم دغه مخ۳۳۰
هم دغه مخ ۲۷۴
هم دغه مخ ۷۴
سيد رسول رسا، ادبي تنقيد، منظور عالم پرېس، پېښور، س ن، مخ ۵۱
حضرت سيد مير انور شاه، صحيفه انوريه، مخ ۹۴
هم دغه مخ ۲۷۰
هم دغه مخ ۷۰
How to Cite
Dr, N., & zaryab yousafzai, T. (2021). The Perfect cognitive Hazrat Syed mir Awnwar Shah’s Ethical Poetry. Pashto, 50(661). Retrieved from

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